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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Alena19810 removed, Russian spammer

Uses e-mail address sweetalenain@yahoo.com

Sample e-mail:

I am very glad that I see your structure in agency. I think that you not Bad the man. I shall be glad if we can communicate in further and To find out each other. I too not bad:). I shall be glad if you will look My structure also you will be convinced that I not bad:). Though I have already made one Bad thing: I have overlooked to tell you "HELLO." Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Likely I shall tell about myself slightly. My name Alena. To me of 25 years, And in April, 29 to me there will be 26 years. also I want to inform you about the appearance: my growth of 170 centimeters, weight of 50 kg. I have a lot of energy, very much I love life, and I try To be always cheerful. My life is pleasant to me. I have work which Me satisfies. I hope as at you all is good in life. I shall be It is very glad if you will look my structure and will decide to write the letter To the quite good girl - me:). I shall be glad to find out you and to tell to you about To itself. I very much love the sun and gentle heat of a fire. Therefore I am able To light (but not houses)...:). Shall be very glad to light relations with you and I hope that the small spark will turn in the big sun. That you about It you think? If you have interest to me that in case I shall write to you my electronic address and shall be glad to see your message. I wish you many heat and smiles. Alena. alenagirlalena@yandex.ru

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