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Sunday, July 15, 2007

lipsoncross removed, spammer

Uses e-mail address cndywillams@fastermail.com

Sample e-mail:

Hello, I like your profile and everything you said on your profile is interesting, anyway My Name is Linda,I'm 37yrs old lady, single . I am originally from Pheonix AZ but presently am in West Africa right now in a Hotel where l got stucked.... well it's quite difficult to write about oneself when u know that others will be judging u on what u write, i'm just going to be simple and fly straight. I've been told that i'm a classylady with a great dress sense,i'm an optimistic person who has a variety of interests open minded, creative, adventurous and spontaneous. Someone who is gentle yet aggressive, sexy and ravenous yet romantic, playful and confident, I love to be pleased. I am hungry, come feed me if you can. I am a very open minded person and very accepting. When it comes to a man that I care about I am affectionate and passionate. I love to kiss . do mail back ok on linoncross2@yahoo.com, OR linoncross2@hotmail.com i await your message Hugs and Kisses, Linda.


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