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Monday, September 10, 2007

ericonline removed for spamming.

sender e-mail address: eric_29online@yahoo.com

e-mail message:

Hello, My name is eric and I am 49 years old, a widower with two kids, a girl of 14yrs and a son of 17. I am an engineer of Texaco and gas company I am from drakesburg in ohio, I would like to; First write a little about myself. But I do not know where to begin. I am a universal type of a person. I love life, I am positive and optimistic, I have a sense of humor but also very serious when need be. I enjoy the simple things life has to offer. I like active way of life. I like sports such as swimming, roller-skating, cycling, in winter ice-skating and skiing too. I enjoy to visit the theatre, concert and cinema too. I like going out, but I like the comfort of my apartment and my household too. I am very adapted. I am looking for a friend, confidant and lover – 3 in 1. Someone, who likes to laugh, is loyal, honest, sincere, considerate, respectful. Someone who is willing to try new things, to start new life and is open-minded.i will like you to give me your yahoo messanger id so that i can add you to mine and we can start to comunicate,here is mine so you can add me too eric_29online@yahoo.com send me an email or add me to your yahoo messanger as i promise to reply it
