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Monday, January 22, 2007

alandorrv removed, Nigerian scammer

Uses email address alandorrv@yahoo.com

Feedback from a member about this scammer:

Alandorrv contacted me today, was clearly foreign from the sound of his voice, said he had a cold, said he was American! Anyway, I told him I was reporting him! Thier really was no harm done to me except the lie, that he was American! He was pretty convincing though, have to hand him that! Anyway, suspect he was of Nigerian decent! Thank you and have a nice day!

Please click on "comments" to post more information about this scammer.


Anonymous said...

I also believe that alandorrv is not american, it was his phrasing and spelling that did it for me.
When I asked where he was from,he insisted that he was American.
He certainly is foreign, not American, thus, he is a liar.

Anonymous said...

Feedback from a Other Singles member about this scammer

Alan has been contacting me. I thought some of his comments were vulgar and I told him that I did not like. Another thing that made me suspicious was when I asked him to send her daughter's picture and he said he would but he did not.He said he was an American living in Lynn Haven, FL but he was in UK on a business trip. I am glad I found out bad things about him today, because it was too good to be true.