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Saturday, January 27, 2007

robinbetts remobved, Nigerian scammer

Uses e-mail address robinbett4@yahoo.com

sample email:

How are you and life today? I am Mr. Robin Betts, a native of uk residing in London on an Offshore rig job.

I was maried with two kids before my wife had a ghastely auto crash which resulted to her death with my second Son and i just saw your profile and thought i should let you that you caught my eyes and interest. So please if you are responding positively to this my interest, do let me know by replying this mail.

You can get back to me in my private yahoo box: robinbett4@yahoo.com or call me on +447045702090.

I await your urgent response to this as soon as possible.

Regards to your family,
Mr. Robin Betts

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