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Saturday, January 27, 2007

robinbett4@yahoo.com removed, Nigerian scammer

Uses e-mail address robinbett4@yahoo.com

Sample email:

Hello Friend,

How are you and life today?

I am Mr. Robin Bett, a native of UK and based in London, a widower but still have a Son. My Wife died in an Auto crash with my Second Son
I saw your pics and profile in the singlesnet.com and started liking you and wish to seek your opinion in my intention and whould love it if you will have a positive thought about it because i really still want to remarry.

Please, if you are interested in my intention, do mail me or chat with on my private box robinbett4@yahoo.com

I await your response to this mail and my warm regards to your family.

Mr. Robin Bett

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