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Saturday, October 20, 2007

aliciarbbns removed for spamming.

sender e-mail address: alicia_rbbns@yahoo.com

e-mail message:

making new solumate friend Compliment of the season, and a happy get-together with ALICIA ROBBIN Let not race or nationality inch your mind, for this has being the key mother of the day. I decided having you as a pen pal friend knowing fully well that is an act of one expressing or sharing view with another or people around the world, which has to do with honesty, above all faithfulness.Friendship is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time.Yes,friends are like stars;some afar and others around,but just need a favorite one.My dear,guess you could make my favorite.(alicia_rbbns@yahoo.com, reach me faster for a better talk through My regards to all your folks.Have a blissful moment and do keep in touch! Cheers, ALICIA