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Friday, February 02, 2007

philliphaz removed, Nigerian scammer

Uses e-mail address philliphaz@yahoo.com

Sample e-mail:

The day I saw your profile.
The way you looked, and the way my eyes shined at the pic's.
My eyes showed what my heart was feeling But I had just came out of something so I was in the process of healing, when i saw it.
As long as we can see the same sky, breathe the same air, step on the same planet, then You and I are not impossible
Again in blissful sleep, soaring on clouds above,
each time re-visiting this place in a dream of love.
If I ever saw an angel, it was in your eyes. Your profile tells me all about you.
You are a gift from heaven. A day I prayed from above, that one day to find my true love. To be strong that i will never go wrong. You are a flower so beautiful, one of a kind. A day with relations and romance with my queen.
Yeah, love to hear from you and do appreciate the hands you place on the keyboard to write to me. We can both talk it out.ok OR add me up on your massenger list OR send an email to my yahoo ID at:philliphaz@yahoo.com
Thanks Love.

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