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Friday, August 12, 2005

flyura removed as Russian scammer

flyura removed as Russian scammer.

Uses e-mail addresses blondev@bk.ru and missflyura@bk.ru.

Uses stolen credit cards.

A sample e-mail from this scammer:
Hi my lonely heart!!!!! How are you? I saw your profil, I am very much interested in you. I would like to learn about you more.
Please write to me on my e-mail the address
My name is Flyura. I am 28. Also it will be fast to me of November, 25I very beautiful, also have a beautiful body. I very lonely woman, and I search for the prince, the realy love, and family.When you will write to me back, I shall tell more about myself, and I shall send you my photos.I hope that I to like you....And please send to me the photos that I had them here, Ok? If you interested.I shall wait very much for your letter...... There may be you my prince, and my love... At me serious intentions, and it is possible we shall find generalideas and desire... I with impatience wait for your answer, and I hope that my letter do not remain without the answer.Have good day, Sincerely Flyura!

Please post any updates on this scammer, or any Russian scammers, by clicking on comments below:


Anonymous said...

dont trust her,
she is a deceiver!!!
just wants money!!!
go to hell

Anonymous said...

Flyura Hafizova krasotka343@mail.ru
uses also these email adress