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Friday, August 26, 2005

PrettyLyubov removed as a Russian scammer

PrettyLyubov removed as a Russian scammer.

Uses e-mail address: lubzor@gmail.com

OtherSingles.com profile password: 987654321

Entries in this Russian scammers profile:

My name is Love. My name symbolizes that inexplicable and mysterious feeling which connects all people on light. Who searches for love - that finds, who does not search for it - that loses. So at us speak in Russia. I about these completely agree. I want it to find again. I want to find love though at territory of light. I do not want to be not loved. I want to love and be loved. I search for the simple kind, sympathetic and understanding person whom I can accept me such what is. I the simple Russian girl. But I think, someone can appreciate me and can find in me that is not present in anybody the other person.

My name Lyubov. Literally from Russian my name means "Love". However, not looking on the name, I could not learn magic feeling of love. I am tired to wait, that someone will once find me. Now I have decided to start to search for the happiness itself. I understand, that it is very courageous, but I do not see other way to find the happiness. I think, that for the happiness it is necessary to struggle, because can come nothing simply so.

Please post any updates on this scammer, or any Russian scammers, by clicking on comments below:


Anonymous said...

I have been emailing Lyubov for the last three months. I checked the Russian scams and had not found anything on her. Last week there was a discrepancy in her email and then I started to check her out again and ran across your blog. Is she really a scammer? How did you find out? Please let me know.
She hasn't asked for any money yet but has been
telling me more and more how much I nean to her.
She's also been sending me pictures ofher at home and
at work and with her family.

Anonymous said...

I can be reached at eddyo3@yahoo.com

E said...

"She" uses stolen credit cards from the USA to join OtherSingles and send the same e-mail to every member.

Anonymous said...

My name is dennis, I've been emailing her since june of 05, she hasn't asked for money so I figured she might not be a scammmer. I was scammed before only 360.00 dollars. So I'am real carefull about that now. I even told her I was scammed before. I won't be sending any money . thanks. Dennis in Mo.

Anonymous said...

Yes about the so called russian scammer prety lyubov that uses email address lubzor....... I would like to have any one that has had contact with her, email me at this address. ducati953@yahoo.com

Thank You so much..