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Monday, August 29, 2005

nastjachmo removed as Russian scammer.

nastjachmo removed as Russian scammer.

Uses e-mail addresses: robertwert213@yahoo.ca and olgamacarona@inbox.ru

OtherSingles.com profile:
Courage kindness caress sincerity honesty love to children. I search for the partner in love of a life for children, a sympathizing kind which would be difficult minute. My name is Nastja to me of 35 years I live in city a Zelenodolsk. My trade the hairdresser also loves work, she gives me huge pleasure so very much, it - pleasant beautiful people. On work of me to talk and dialogue to clients. During final time I am borrowed in tourism, and I prefer, lean on the nature

OtherSingles.com profile password: 12344321

Sample e-mail sent by this Russian scammer:
Hi my friend. My name is Nastja to me of 35 years I live in city a Zelenodolsk. My trade the hairdresser also loves work, she gives me huge pleasure so very much, it - pleasant beautiful people. On work of me to talk and dialogue to clients. During final time I am borrowed in tourism, and I prefer, lean on the nature . I search for the partner in love of a life for children, a sympathizing kind which would be difficult minute. olgamacarona@inbox.ruTo me it will be very pleasant, if you will answer my letter. Your friend Nastja.

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