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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricane Disaster

A great suggestion from Hugh Hewitt

Misery, Misery, Misery
Although the loss of life appears to have been low, the scale of the misery that will follow Katrina is almost unimaginable.

The miles and miles of submerged homes, sunken cars and damaged businesses are astonsihing to see. I am sure that among those businesses are scores if not hundreds that just opened, were just getting their momentum, just reaching the black and then this happens.
I hope the Hollywood/Nashville types get their act tgether on a relief effort that could be telecast, as with the 9/11 concert.

And perhaps the bloggers could agree to set a day for a unified blog beg, and I am open to suggestions on the recipient organization, though I hope it would be an organization that makes loans/grants to people to get houses and businesses repaired. The relief groups like
Samaritan's Purse will help with immediate shelter and food needs, but rebuilding will be a long and expensive process. Let me know if you have ideas on a recipient, or if you are a blogger willing to coordinate some fund-raising.