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Sunday, August 28, 2005

honeyolga removed as Russian scammer

honeyolga removed as Russian scammer.

Uses e-mail addresses: honeyolga@list.ru and olga_sun78@inbox.ru

Sample e-mail from this Russian scammer:
Hello!I have very much become interested in your structure.I live in Russia, me of 27 years. I have no harmful habits.Very much I want to create high-grade family. I would like to have attitudes(relations) with you. If you are interested in me, you can write to me directly not with the help of a site.Mine email: Olga_sun78@inbox.ru About myself I shall write to you in the letter more in detail. I with impatience shall wait your answer. Write to me on mine Email!Olga

Sample post in this Russian scammer's OtherSingles.com profile:
That type of women which I name perfection. I very much want to create high-grade family, with worthy the man. For knowledge of all charm of home life. I very much love the nature and children. I also very much love romanticism, such as evening with loved. And to hate lie and treachery

OtherSingles.com profile password: 112233

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