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Sunday, October 09, 2005

aaaRTI confirmed as Russian scammer

aaaRTI confirmed as Russian scammer (no photo).

Uses e-mail addresses: obepier2@yahoo.com and the_pretty_girl@list.ru

From this Russian scammers profile:
I have very active way of life.I have the big energy in my body,I young,I beautiful,I harmonous.The choice of me gives you chance,to receive the woman as a hobby and bodies,With me dialogue is interesting and not only. To me of 30 years, I not to be married. I to leave all time to myself.But I have reflected on creation of family.I am temperamental and strong.I would want that I was grown fond by that person who considers,that I Approaches only for him.I love heat of a house and I am able to support the order in the house,his cleanliness. I was solved search to myself correct the man. The hope,that it to appear you!

I love a man's half of our mankind. My requirements not strong, but I wish to see the man always Vigorous and diligent it is not dependent on mood. I appreciate force and diligence , Skill to win female heart - mind, and personal charm. To me It is necessary fair, kind, tender, disinterested, nice,Pleasant in dialogue. I would want that my future husband as appreciated me In the present, also was the provisional husband for me. Very much I want acquaintance to the man, Which searches to itself for the wife. It is interested only to correct and serious relations.

Sample e-mail sent from this Russian scammer:
Subject: Hello!Message: Hello a member of a site of acquaintances: "othersingles.com" My nameGalina. To me 30 years. I have no children. I when not to be married.Hope creation of family with correct the man. At me Eyes green. Color ofhair white. You can write to me on my box: (the_pretty_girl/in thedomain/list/dotru) I am interested only in correct to the man. Your photos, will speed up my answer. As to me can write on: the_pretty_girl @ list . ru or send me the address of e-mail.

Please post any updates on this scammer, or any Russian scammers, by clicking on comments below: