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Friday, December 01, 2006

funtinka removed, Nigerian scammer

Sample e-mail:
I have placed my announcement on this site of acquaintances because I
want to have serious attitudes. I have chosen you after long search
and I have decided to write to you the letter. I write to you from the
Internet of cafe and on this my letter will not be long. Now I would
like to tell to you not much about myself, mine a name - Tatyana and
me 27 years. I am young but wise already to make a man happy and make
the house cozy and comfortable. I have never been married before and I
think this is the right moment to do it. I have chosen you and have
decided to write to you the letter because I liked your structure on a
site of acquaintances and on this now I write to you this letter. I
think the true love comes with time and what is really important in
the relationship is the trust and understanding. I hope that you will
answer my letter and I at once shall send you my photo. Please write
to me at once on my email address : funtinka@gmail.com

Uses e-mail address funtinka@gmail.com

The photo above is the stolen photo used by the scammer. The person in the photo is not the scammer.

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