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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

ineedhelp removed, Nigerian scammer

Sample e-mail:
Hello Am so Much happy that i meet you and i would like u to help me out of here becouse right Now i have no one in my life and i simple need some one like u becouse u sound o nice and carring to me here and if u can just please and please help me out of here am ganna come over to u there and start a new life with u..Well it happen like this but i will like u to help me out of the shit coz it has brought me into dip shit here in Nigeria, My father and my sister died by car accident some year ago after the death of my father and my sister i and my mother decide to move to Ohio but when we get there we started running a small business and we later make some profit, My mother and i then decide to move to nigeria to invest the money we have made in to another business there but when we reach the airport in Lagos Nigeria here we take a taxi to the local hotel called Ceqant hotel but on our way to the hotel some robbers attcked us .They collected all the money we wanted to use to start the business which is exactly $27,000 and what hurt me most is that they shut my mother and she was rushed to the hospital for suggery but when the operation was going on i lost my mother i cried so much but she is gone and this has brought me into big mess here.. all i need now is a man who can help me with can afford to love me, trust me, and will remain honest to me and that is willing to help me to come back home and start a new life with some him. So i need to settle the hospiatl bill that my mother was owneing bcos all my document was deposited to the doctor before she was treated and to have them back i have to pay up the bills which i dont have the money pay and that why i need you to help me

Uses e-mail address marian_zocher15@usa.com

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