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Saturday, February 11, 2006

pulia removed as Russian scammer

pulia removed as Russian scammer.

Uses e-mail address: minglec_111@yahoo.com

From her profile:
oopss I at all do not know what to inform about my ideal. It is very difficult for me as Ideal people it does not happen. But nevertheless I would like to get acquainted with male having Fine sense of humour nice appearance, kind, gentle, clever. Basically It is possible to speak about qualities much but I shall not write much. I shall tell as that I do not like male which try to play with women in love games representing itself romantic male. These people I find out from the first. It will be better if you such type male that do not write to me better Also do not try to get acquainted as I nevertheless shall not wish this acquaintance. It is short about my needs. Now write to me and let us to find out each other, in fact we live only once in a life. And it is better to live this life with advantage. To admit fairly I do not like to write much about itself. In general I can tell That I very sincere gentle clever woman. I as well as all have the lacks And certainly advantages. I very jealous woman and on this I can attribute it to the To lacks. As I very true woman also fall in love I with lives only once and always It is ready to be near to my beloved. he can always expect for my support, on my love And understanding. I the good family man. I do not think that career should be more important than family and on this I have pity to those people which have given the souls for the blessing to career. In general it is brief about my structure.

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