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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

funmoonlady confirmed as Russian scammer

funmoonlady confirmed as Russian scammer.

Uses e-mail address: beut_smile00@yahoo.com

Please post any updates on this Russian scammer by clicking on comments below:


Anonymous said...

Just got this email today, she is now going by "Alina"


Hello mine the future friend!!!
Whether I do not know I can name you the friend, but I shall try to risk to name you the friend if you not against!!!
You probably ask me where I have taken yours E-mail.
It will be difficult for me will explain to you but I shall try to make it!!!
My friend when I would come in the Internet of cafe for that what to find to itself of the partner in life!!!
And then to me would advise that I did not try to search whom that from a site, and me in the Internet of cafe distances for yours E-mail, and I was told that by you as in search of second half.
Whether I do not know I correctly having written to you have made the letter, I very long thought above that that probably you have found the second half and already live very happily if so that I very much would ask it that you did not write to me the answer as I do not want to destroy your happiness.
And if all of you are still lonely that I very much I ask let me know and then we could learn each other and probably we could be together how you think???
I would shall send you my photo for that that you saw who to you writes, and if I you have interested that know that my heart openly and it is still free!!!
I as very much would ask that you have sent me your photos.
Yours faithfully your friend Alina.

Anonymous said...

Just got a message from Alina dated May 30, 2006
From: omegaplus
27 Female
Assonet, Massachusetts United States 02702
44 miles (70.4 km) distance
Sent: Fri, 26 May 06 3:20PM Pacific
Subject: Hello

Hello dear!!!
I looked your profile and very much interested in you.
I am beautiful young, and lonely woman.
If you want to find the good friend
and to look my photo write to me.
My address of e-mail: beut_smile00@yahoo.com
I want very much to learn you better.
Write to me and I'll promise to answer.
E-mail: beut_smile00@yahoo.com
I wait your answer.

Anonymous said...

This Alina, do we know what her real name is, she appeared on the " WeWantfun" website and posted different photos, she is a redhead in those, she also provided the address
Apartment 10
House No.8
Gogola Street

Also went by the name Alina Daminova for this, claiming to work in the Antoshka Kindergarten...She even rang me

Anonymous said...

Alina Daminova is now listed on Stop-Scammers.com, with her latest photos, where she has gone from blond in May to redhead by August. I suspect she is using several different alias's as the photo given for her in May, bears an amazing similarity to Julia Burganova another known scammer, the background gives it away. they are one and the same. Then look at the jumper worn by Ms Burganova and NOW check Ekaterina Kirillova..They are the same. She changed her hair colour between May and August when she tried to fool me too