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Thursday, May 18, 2006

MarinaGy confirmed as Russian scammer

MarinaGy confirmed as Russian scammer (no photo).

Uses email addresses: tormert@yahoo.com and

Sample e-mail:

This first word which is necessary to tell. I very much worry, I do not know how to begin this letter, it is difficult to write to the first (To get acquainted the first), But I make it. I have seen your structure and I want to get acquainted with you! Many people want to find the half, I do not know, you will answer me whether or not, I hope, that you will answer me, and there can be we shall find each other. I probably am very romantic, I wait from this letter much, in fact so many people have found each other! My e-mail:


I such silly, I have not said to you even of a name, my name is Marina, I once again speak that I probably much have forgotten to say, but if you want to learn about me, want to meet serious intentions, I shall answer to you and I shall write about myself in detail!
Excuse if I not clearly have written!

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