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Saturday, May 27, 2006

nezabudka1978@yahoo.com confirmed as Russian scammer

nezabudka1978@yahoo.com confirmed as Russian scammer.

Uses e-mail addresses: nezabudka1978@yahoo.com and

Sample e-mail:

Hi my new friend!
My name - Natalia.
I was born in Russia, in 1978, in city Kazan on November 16, and now I live in native city.
My age - 28 years. My growth of 170 centimeters, my weight of 54 kg. I was never married also I have no any children.
. I shall try to answer all your questions, which interests you.
I speak well enough in English, sometimes I use the program of the interpreter, I think, which it will help to write to symbols to you. I shall send you a picture in mine next the letter.
At iay there is a small request to you:
I very badly am able to use the computer and Internet. I to you I shall be very grateful if you will write to me on mine e-mail.
With impatience I shall wait from you of the answer.
I very attractive lady. A photo I shall send to you if you will write to me
My e-mail: natalider2006@rambler.ru

I ask you write on this address

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