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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

prettygirl9021 removed for spamming.

sender e-mail address: prettygirl9021@yahoo.com

e-mail message:

Wow..I have seen your profile and I think that you are a very interesting person.so I decided to use the chance to get to know you.Hope I will be lucky.I dont think that the age and appearance is so important though I am rather beautiful and age isnt a barrier in any sort of relationship that has to do with joyful giving and love.The most important worth is inside you and how do you feel about the life. I know this life from many sides and I am rather mature I think already to know how to make a man happy.I dont know if you answer me or not.But why not to try? I will regret if not to try. I think we should use every chance to find our happiness. Life is too short to use it only for thinking and dreaming.I try to act but not only to dream.I will not write you much about myself now.The only one I miss is a beloved person.well I have alot to share with you,so i rather you write to me on my email, prettygirl9021@yahoo.com then i will get back to you through email or so