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Sunday, September 02, 2007

samura removed for spamming.

sender e-mail address: samuraedward4@yahoo.fr

e-mail message:

Accommodation serivce and Investment From Samura Edward Attn:Director This is to call for an accommodation serivce and investment in your country,please if you cannot be able to assist, you tell me so that l will look for another person because l sent this mail to you before. My name is Samura Edward , My Father was a limited liability Merchant in the republic of Cote d' Ivoire, he went out for his business trip to the North part of the country (Bouak) and he was assasinated by the Rebels when they attacked Bouak, Cote d' Ivoire.he was rush to the private clinic where he late died. Before his death he told me that he deposited the sum of $6.300.000.00 USD. in the bank in Abidjan, so I want you to please assist me transfer this money into your account as my late Father foreign business partner,so that we can invest this money in any good business in your country. Since his death my life is no more secured in Abidjan because of political problem,i want to go out of this country for safety of my life to your country and you assist me to invest this money in your country l also need an accommodation. REGARDING THE INVESTMENT THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS FOR YOUR SELECTION DOWN TO PRIORITY BASES: 1.REAL ESTATE(HUGE POTENTIONAL). 2.EDUCATION INSTITUTION. 3.HOTEL INDUSTRY. 4.TEXTILE INDUSTRY. 5.MANUFACTIORING. Thank you in advice and make sure you respond to edwardsamura3@yahoo.fr Samura Edward