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Friday, January 12, 2007

lovingguy4ril removed, West african scammer

Sample e-mail:
Hello, How re you doing?? FIRST, i would say you re looking GORGEOUS in that pretty smile of yours... SECONDLY, i would love to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR... Was just looking through your profile, so i intend saying HI to you letting you know that am ONLINE, and would love to have a chat with you RIGHT NOW so that we can get to know each other even much more better... Here is my yahoo messenger [ kingspet4ril ] just BUZZ me or ADD me and i ll respond immediately, i promise you that... okay..... Thanks. Williams

Uses e-mail address kingspet4ril@yahoo.com

The photo above is the stolen photo used by the scammer. The person in the photo is not the scammer.

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