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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tanyabogina removed, Russian scammer

Uses e-mail address: yakimovatanya@yahoo.com

Sample e-mail:

Hi my lonely heart!!!!! How are you?
I saw your profil, I am very much interested in you.
I would like to learn about you more.
My name is Tanya. I am 28.
I live in Russia, Volzhsk. It is very beautiful city here again very many sights.
I very beautiful, also have a beautiful body.
I very lonely woman, and I search for the prince, the realy love, and family.
When you will write to me back,
I shall tell more about myself, and I shall send you my photos.
I hope that I to like you....
And please send to me the photos that I had them here, Ok?
Please write to me on my e-mail the address, if you interested.


I shall wait very much for your letter......
There may be you my prince, and my love...
At me serious intentions, and it is possible we shall find generalideas and desire...
I with impatience wait for your answer,
and I hope that my letter do not remain without the answer.
Have good day,
Sincerely Tanya

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