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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Daria29t removed, spammer

Uses e-mail address powervol4122@yahoo.com

Sample e-mail:

Hello my dear!!! I to become interested in your profile on and to decide to write to you. To me of 29 years. I never was married. I the soft and gentle girl, like when in the house warmly and cosy. I believe in the God and in the soul. I love walks on nature, I adore fresh whiff of a wind, tender beams of the gentle sun. I am looking for a serious relationship leading to marriage and I am not interested just in a internet chat or adventure. I am interested only in how the man hisself is and not what he has. If you have become interested in me please write on this e-mail: daria.love1977@yahoo.com If you to answer me on my e-mail i shall write in more detail about myself and I shall send you the photo. I very much to hope for your fast answer. Daria.