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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

sherrywills removed for spamming.

sender e-mail address: wills.sherry@gmail.com

e-mail message:

Hello and how r'u doing today..i am sherry and new to justsayhi..I 'm a woman who really enjoy's life. I look at the glass as half full and not half empty. I'm a very honest person and like to laugh about things in life. I'm always happy and like to make my partner happy. I enjoy the outdoors, animals, kids, romantic evenings around the fireplace. I enjoy the beauty of many things. People tell me I see the good in everyone. I like to focus on the good.I am fun loving and act silly at time's and love to laugh alot! I also have a serious side to me and know how to conduct business and get the thing's done in life that need to be done..I am looking for a real person..someone who is ready to love and to love..feel free to get back to me at (sherrywills@yahoo.com)and we can trade photos and know more about each other...write back soon Sherry