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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

eric30 removed for spamming.

sender e-mail address: eyoeric@yahoo.com

e-mail message:

Hello there, my name is Eric and am from Santee, in South Carolina USA. i am a 30 years old man and from a family of four but unfurtunately i lost my two yonger and elder sisters and i have my mom,dad and my younger brother. i am a man who loves writing romantic poems,swimming,traveling,and also meeting new friend .But, right now i search for a woman whom i will spend the rest of my life with. And she is ment to be my better half.the part of me that nothing can take away from me and the part of me that i will and love till the end of my life.and i would really be glad if God would bring that woman my way.thanks and God bless Eric.... "No matter how ugly you think you are, that special someone that loves you believes you are the most beautiful and irresistable thing on earth and nothing can ever change that." "The purity and trueness of love through an Internet relationship far passes that of one based on physical contact." I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW YOU BETTER BECAUSE I MUST CONFESS YOU CAPTIVATED MY SOUL... please try to reply as soon as you read this ok.. and i also want you to know that am online now. second round "I never thought love could be so magnificent until I saw the sincere look in your eyes, telling me that this time...I would never shed another tear."