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Saturday, August 11, 2007

justmejustin reported to authorities

One member has reported justmejustin to the authorities for scamming. Here is her warning post:


The name he referred to himself as
being "Justin Harrison". Please be very careful. This Asian individual
presents himself as a sincere and loving man with a 17
year old daughter living in Nigeria who he adores.

As a Engineer, he claims he likes to write and may use
poetry to win your affection. He also uses the word
"baby" tremendously in written word or during
conversation. He will call you constantly and use MSN
endlessly. You will be totally consumed and occupied.

He will tell you that you are his guardian angel, and
the love of is life and that he loves you and misses
you and wants to spend his life with you and only you.
He will also tell you he does not have to meet you to
know how he feels about you. He will qualify it by
saying he can recognize quality and knows what he

In due course he will begin to work on your emotions
which he has captured and the reason will be his own
and his families hardship encountered as a result of
accidents, illness and so on. Your Money is his goal!