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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

mashka05 removed for spamming.

sender e-mail address: mashenka05@yahoo.com

e-mail message:

Hello my new friend!!! My name is Evgeniya. To me of 27 years. I the lovely gentle tender and careful woman. I am very glad appear your structure, and I wish to tell to you, what he very much loved me therefore, and I would like to write to you therefore as I search serious relations, instead of simply friendly correspondence, and I hope, as you search serious relations, and I think, what we could test, how it will be, appear? And if you really such person as you have described yourselves in your questionnaire, I shall be very glad to write to you, and find out, will be more about you to me it will be very pleasant, and it is interesting, find out about you, and to develop relations. I hope, what you will understand me, and to write to me to the letter? But I still think, what you want, find out very much about me? I to wish to get acquainted with the kind and clever person. Be able to understand and appreciate the girl. Which can trust her and accept her such, what her. I hope, that you will write to me the letter on my address, lightkiss80@gmail.com I wait from you for the letter, with impatience, in hope which you will write to me!!!