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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

nastja removed for spamming.

sender e-mail address: nastyakat@yahoo.com

e-mail message:

Hi! I hope that you will not object if I shall write to you, because your structure has very much liked me meaning that I want to learn and make friends find out and make friend about you.. I have just created the structure on this site of a site. Acquaintances on the Internet very much to like me, it is my dream that that I dream to get acquainted with you. I hope that you will show the gravity and will answer my letter. And now it is a little about me.My name is Anastasijae. My friends name me Nastya. To me of 26 years, I come from Russia. Except for it I still can tell about myself that cheerful and very cheerful girl. I to you would tell all about myself well I think that for this purpose there will be no time and as then to turn out very long letter, I cannot send him to you. You we can go on my structure and there all read through about me, there too it is not a lot of but nevertheless it I think to you it will be interesting, Here my electronic address - missinganastasija @rambler .ru