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Friday, August 10, 2007

williams123 removed for spamming

Uses e-mail address quaterman_online@yahoo.com

Sample e-mail:

Wooooooooooooow dear first i have to remind you on how beautiful you look,i think you're the woman who match my heart desire i've seen on this site so far by far and i am glad i've not met any other lady beause i wouldn't have been able to find you...Well i would like you to know that i came across your profile and was stunned,i deemed it fit that we should get to know ourselves, My name is Williams Andrew,I live in Inverness Scotland,I am a man with so much to learn and also so much to give out,i heart skipped a beat for a slight second when i saw your profile and said to myself that knowing you would be great and that if i ever had the chance to chat or talk to you i would make sure you enjoyed every bit of our conversation,so please do me a favour and allow us contact eachother our regular email adress or yahoo address were we can make real cantacters,talk and get to know more about eachother.your looks is the type of looks that i trully desire .... it would trully be nice and interesting if we could have a conversation on either by chart or emails..my email adress is, quaterman_online@yahoo.com, I hope to hear from you soon.