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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Netspend All_access prepaid Visa card

I recently purchased a netspend pre-paid Visa card and have only been able to use it once. The card was blocked twice without anyone calling me to tell me that there were "issues" with my personal information. The first time I was able to resolve the "issue" over the phone. When I tried to use that card again, it was declined, prompting another call from me to their customer service. After being on hold for 15 minutes, I was told I needed to fax my ID, or Social Security card to their office to reactivate the card. Frankly I have more to do with my day then go through this hassle, so when I asked them to close my account and issue me a check on the balance, I was told it would cost me $4.95. I finally convinced the agent to waive the closure fee. Now I only have to wait 20 business days for my check.

A simple phone call from Netspend warning me that my card was blocked would have saved me some embarrassment. I will recommend to my readers you do not use Netspend.